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Individualogist's E-mails

Information about our e-mails

  • Email Technical Issues

    At times, our subscribers might occasionally encounter technical difficulties. This can include broken links, displays of wrong content, receiving content for the wrong archetype, or anything else tha...

  • What are your e-mails about?

    Our e-mails often contain useful information and actionable steps that you can take to gain mastery over your archetype. All of this is free. We also occasionally send you readings, horoscopes, on top...

  • How can I unsubscribe from Individualogist's e-mails?

    All of our e-mails contain an unsubscribe link at the footer of the template. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the e-mail, you'll see it there. If that doesn't work for you, simply reply to ...

  • What is your privacy policy?

    If you'd like to find out more about our privacy policy, please click on this link. To add on to our Privacy Policy, upholds ethical practices when it comes to handling customer in...

  • Why am I receiving e-mails from

    Only users who have opted in through one of our Archetype Identifiers, or purchased one of our products, will receive e-mails from us. If you do not fall under either of those categories, you can simp...